Monday, April 12, 2010


This week we had to start our own wiki page. I actually really enjoy the idea of it. If you're interested in a certain topic then it's a good tool to post and discuss information because anyone that's invited to share/edit can write and save the information; the wiki is therefore always there to refer back to and to add to whenever. Everyone can't know everything and it's always good to reach out for help and to hear other people's viewpoints and knowledge on countless topics.

I decided to set up my wiki by talking about different opportunities and options available to us as teachers after we complete the TE program. The first time I even started thinking about this part of my future, which seems so far away, is when I found out that some old friends of mine decided that they would go abroad to teach. I was completely fascinated and decided instantly that I was going to do that. I'm pretty set on that goal still, but I wanted to learn more about teaching abroad, as well as, other possible opportunities. Hence, my wiki. I just need to organize it better and I hope to get more input/discussion going on it.

In the case of using wikis with students, I think that they could really benefit from it. I don't see why they wouldn't. A teacher could post and update any information on it quickly and easily; the students would have easy access to the information, ask questions, get them answered by the teacher or other students, etc. As long as the wikis are being used appropriately and the students are goofing around and changing important things, then I don't see any way that they wouldn't benefit from using them.

Krakow, Poland - I want to be teaching here already.
Photo Credit from by mykrak


  1. Your wiki topic is brilliant! I just found a used book called "The Global Citizen", but the international opportunities vary too wide for my skill-set. Your wiki joins future pragmatic and idealistic dreams. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you so much. It's just something that has filled my mind lately and I feel like I've got to get on top of this and start planning for the future now. It's important to become knowledgeable about every opportunity there is out there so you end up being somewhere you want to be to, doing exactly what you want to be doing.

  3. I really liked your wiki. I mean, c'mon, why are we in college? For our future. And what is our future? Well, I don't know. Then what's the point, right?
    Ever since we were little kids, we've been asked what we want to do when we grow up. It's weird that that time is finally practically here. What ARE we supposed to do when we grow up? It's good that we start talking and figuring out our options.
    You put the topic down on 'paper' but I'm sure we've all been talking to each other about it. You heard from your friends, I heard from my friends, and now we have a wiki that we can all collaborate on.
    Nice choice.
