Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Technological Background...

Before coming to class, I read the syllabus online and saw that we would be required to blog this semester. I was not thrilled just because I'm a person that never really was that motivated to blog. I didn't feel I had anything too special to discuss. I'm definitely familiar with it because I had to write blogs for a course I took last year. I also combined forces with two good friends of mine just to write about ridiculous things to make people laugh, but I've strayed away from that. I'm also familiar with One friend, in particular (same one that I share a blog with), tweets about anything and everything that's going on in his life. It's hilarious and I love reading his tweets, but I realized it's not my thing after I set up an account prior to this class. Besides being familiar with blogging and tweeting, my technology background consists of,, e-mail, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, simple photo programs, music and video programs. I'm no computer genius, but I was fortunate to grow up in a generation where a computer is the norm; where using a computer is a part of everyday life. I try to stay in tune with technology as much as I can and to the extent that is significant to my present needs.

What I am looking forward to learning about is the new world this class has opened my eyes to. I never thought of using blogging and as professional tools, or anything else for that matter, besides e-mail. That's just because I always looked at the internet so casually; it was always just a connection to friends. So, I'm pretty excited to go start exploring the internet in a more professional sense. Here I go...

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